Breathe: Guided Relaxation & Breathing Exercises to Help You Find Your Whole Cure


The breath is a beautiful tool that is free, is always with you, requires no equipment and can be used simply to improve your health. Regularly practicing mindful breathing can be both calming and energizing. You can control your breath and use it to reduce stress and achieve a relaxed state.

The Whole Cure provides a variety of interactive exercises and wellness prescriptions to help you discover your passions and reconnect with a life you love! The wellness prescriptions offer inspirational strategies for releasing fear, cultivating mindfulness, allowing gratitude, finding forgiveness and inviting love to flow towards yourself and others. 

Each exercise will help you release blockages, reconnect with your innate wisdom and move forward to fully live your inspired life. You will flourish as you shatter unhealthy assumptions, recognize your value and trust in the magnificent wisdom you hold within you. You will learn to adopt a new mindset that leaves you fulfilled, at peace and transformed. Choosing loving thoughts over delusional fears, asserting your truth instead of giving over your power and releasing destructive patterns to recalibrate your life will become second nature as you dedicate yourself to living a vibrant authentic life.

He lives most who breathes_1

Breathe: Guided Relaxation & Breathing Exercises to Help You Find Your Whole Cure is a special resource to support you in bringing The Whole Cure to life! The breathing exercises and guided relaxation experiences presented in this valuable resource can be used anywhere, at any time of day. Try using them when you feel panic, stress, anxiety or just want a few moments of calm in your day. They are also helpful for coping with pain and helping the body prepare for rest and relaxation. 

You can choose to practice one of these exercises every day for several weeks or when you are able. As you regularly practice these simple breathing exercises, it will begin to feel natural to turn to the breath when you are faced with stress. As you master one tool, you can try adding another. Go at your own pace and use the exercises that feel most comfortable to you.

Breath is the bridge which connects life to

Give yourself the gift of finding this feeling of relaxation and calm you experience when doing these exercises throughout your day. Anytime you feel stressed or anxious, bring your attention to your breath and receive calming and relaxing benefits.

Breathe: Guided Relaxation & Breathing Exercises to Help You Find Your Whole Cure series includes:

  • Audio breathing exercises
  • Guided relaxation experiences
  • Muscle relaxation techniques
  • Wellness exercises 
  • Full detailed scripts of each exercise

Breathe: Guided Relaxation & Breathing Exercises to Help You Find Your Whole Cure

These exercises are designed to help listeners reduce tension, build resiliency, regain energy and remain calm in the face of adversity. They feature breathing, muscle relaxation and guided imagery techniques from The Whole Cure and beyond. 

You can benefit from this unique and powerful resource starting at only 99 cents! Get your copy now!

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About Dr. Jennifer L. Weinberg, MD, MPH, MBE

Dr. Jennifer Weinberg, MD, MPH, MBE is a Preventive and Lifestyle Medicine Physician trained at the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins, ConsultantWellness Expert, SpeakerInterdisciplinary Yoga Instructor and Certified Health Coach. Dr. Weinberg is the Founder of the Simple | Pure | WholeTM Wellness Method and offers innovative online wellness and education programs for individuals looking for sustainable optimal health as well as healthcare providers seeking to embrace a transformative approach to health care and corporations wanting to integrate a comprehensive approach to corporate wellness!

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