Simple Pure Whole Wellness Solutions for Corporate Wellness & Consulting


Health care costs are skyrocketing as rates of chronic illnesses continue to rise. So many of these conditions are strongly influenced by lifestyle factors, diet and exercise with nearly 70% of health care costs due to preventable conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that stress alone costs American business $300 billion each year.

When you take steps to address these lifestyle issues you are taking action to increase employee productivity, decrease absenteeism and reduce medical costs.


Dr. Weinberg has experience working with large and small companies in the government, nonprofit and for-profit sectors to help them design, implement and evaluate employee wellness, health communication and education programs. She provides individualized corporate wellness consulting and packages for employee wellness and education. Services can be tailored for your company’s unique needs including:

  • Corporate wellness seminars on a variety of topics with handouts, healthy living tips and more.
  • Wellness Workshops & Cooking Demos virtual instruction on specific ways to improve eating habits, enhance stress management and increase healthy lifestyle activities.
  • Consulting on environmental, occupational and employee wellness programs and issues.
  • Written materials and copy for wellness tips, health education, healthy recipes and more for inclusion in your corporation’s newsletter, printed materials, emails, intranet or other campaigns.
  • Interactive E-programs on a variety of health and wellness topics.
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching This cost-effective solution teaches employees in groups or one-on-one how to make better lifestyle and nutrition choices to improve their physical, mind and spirit health. Employees receive guided mentoring to set and reach goals, take responsibility for their health and make positive, sustainable lifestyle choices to improve their workplace performance and health!

I look forward to supporting your employees and company! Contact me today at info (at) JenniferWeinbergMD (dot) com to learn more and discuss what opportunities will work best for your organization!

Corporate Wellness Solutions

Learn more about Dr. Weinberg and her work:

+WholeCure_LotushiresfinalDr. Weinberg’s Book, The Whole Cure:

               Whole Cure Postcard

              The Whole Cure Handout

               Free Chapters of The Whole Cure

Corporate Wellness Flyer

Testimonials About Dr. Weinberg’s Work


About Dr. Jennifer L. Weinberg, MD, MPH, MBE

Dr. Jennifer Weinberg, MD, MPH, MBE is a Preventive and Lifestyle Medicine Physician trained at the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins, ConsultantWellness Expert, SpeakerCorporate Wellness Specialist, Interdisciplinary Yoga Instructor and Certified Health Coach. Dr. Weinberg is the Founder of the Simple | Pure | WholeTM Wellness Method and offers innovative online wellness and education programs for individuals looking for sustainable optimal health as well as healthcare providers seeking to embrace a transformative approach to health care and corporations wanting to integrate a comprehensive approach to corporate wellness!

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