Want to Reduce #Inflammation and Improve Your #Health Try This New Approach Using Self #Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The #Vagus Nerve! #wellness #naturalheath #yoga

Self-Massage to Reduce Inflammation: It All Starts with The Vagus Nerve {Health & Wellness | Science | Massage}

Want to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Your Health? Try This New Approach Using Self-Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The Vagus Nerve!

Download the mp4 here for a guided relaxation and self-massage exercise to balance the vagus nerve!

Want to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Your Health? Try This New Approach Using Self-Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The Vagus Nerve!

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Inflammation lies at the root of most chronic diseases. While acute inflammation can be useful as part of the immune and healing responses, inflammation can damage the body when it becomes chronic or imbalanced. Chronic, systemic, and low-grade inflammation is a major contributor to aging, allergies and chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, atherosclerosis and arthritis.

The Link Between Stress, Inflammation and the Immune System Lies in The Vagus Nerve

Want to Reduce #Inflammation and Improve Your #Health Try This New Approach Using Self #Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The #Vagus Nerve! #wellness #naturalheath #yoga

The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) is the main nerve of the parasympathetic (rest and digest) division of the autonomic nervous system. It is an important route of communication between the brain, cardiovascular system, gut and immune system. This bi-directional nerve pathway travels all the way from the brainstem down through the chest and into the abdomen, branching off to multiple organs. This wide-reaching pathway gave rise to its name, vagus, which means “wandering” in Latin.

The body is intricately connected, and the vagus nerve plays a key role in coordinating communication. Signals are sent from the brain to the organs of the chest and abdomen as well as from the gut and organs back to the central nervous system. The vagus nerve helps orchestrate this communication network by signaling the brain to produce neurotransmitters and hormones, coordinating responses, regulating stress reactions and helping to balance inflammation.

For example, the vagus nerve plays a central role in coordinating the parasympathetic relaxation response, helping to slow down breathing and heart rate, promote relaxation, stimulate digestion and bring about a sense of peace and calm. To help coordinate this relaxation response, the vagus nerve releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which seems to be a major brake on inflammation in the body.

Want to Reduce #Inflammation and Improve Your #Health Try This New Approach Using Self #Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The #Vagus Nerve! #wellness #naturalheath #yoga

Why Does Vagal Tone Matter?

Since the vagus nerve is a major control center for the body, the health of this nerve is of utmost importance to the health of your brain, immune system and overall inflammatory state. Some people have stronger vagus nerve activity than others, allowing their bodies to relax faster after stress. The strength of your vagus response is known as vagal tone.

Low vagal tone has been associated with chronic inflammation. Research shows that those with inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, often have decreased heart rate variability, a marker of reduced vagal tone. This reduced vagal tone triggers the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and leads to an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity and stress hormones, contributing to systemic inflammation.

Abdominal Massage as a Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Fortunately, you can activate this nerve and strengthen your vagal tone through natural techniques to help balance your immune system, calm the body and mind and reduce inflammation. Stimulating the vagus nerve acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and tranquilizer since it reduces the production of proinflammatory cytokines and calms the nervous system.

An emerging technique for reducing inflammation and toning the vagus nerve is a type of self-abdominal massage. Moderate pressure massage has been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, increase gastric motility and improve insulin secretion to help balance blood sugar. The combination of manual manipulation and stimulation of the vagus nerve can have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

This abdominal massage technique is easy to do at home in just a few minutes. It is best to perform this practice on an empty stomach, a few hours after eating. Start slowly and see how your body responds.

You can download the mp4 of this guided self-massage exercise here for a guided audio and video relaxation exercise which walks you through performing this self-abdominal massage technique!

Want to Reduce #Inflammation and Improve Your #Health Try This New Approach Using Self #Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The #Vagus Nerve! #wellness #naturalheath #yoga

  1. Lie down on a comfortable floor mat or on a bed.
  2. Place your hand below your sternum or breastbone. Make gentle downward stroking movements moving your hand down toward your abdomen. Repeat this movement for a few minutes cycling one hand over the other in a backward bike-pedaling-like motion.
  3. Next, use your fingertips to make small circular motions on your abdomen. Start massaging on the sides of your abdomen and work your way slowly inward and downward. Go progressively deeper, using a firm but comfortable amount of pressure. Continue this abdominal massage for several minutes.
  4. End your practice with a few minutes of a gentle reclined two knee spinal twist pose (Supta Matsyendrasana). This restorative yoga posture improves digestion and encourages an opening within the fascia and diaphragm to help you deepen your breath and induce an anti-inflammatory relaxation response. Lying on your back, exhale as you press your lower back lightly into the floor or bed. Breathe here for a few moments as your lower back opens. When you are ready, gently contract your abdominal muscles as you inhale and bend your knees towards your chest. Exhale and bring your arms out to your side with your palms toward the floor, even with your shoulders. On a slow inhale, lift your heels a bit higher than your knees, and then as you exhale slowly lower both legs to the left towards the floor. Keep your knees at the level of your hips and your feet and knees stacked together. Rest in this posture for 30-60 seconds. Continue taking slow, deep breaths as you gently twist from side to side, moving with your breath.

Try out this simple practice for accessing the power of your vagus nerve. Perform these techniques for a few minutes once or twice a day for several weeks. You may be surprised by the rewards of reduced stress, improved digestion, better detoxification, decreased pain and squelched inflammation!

Have you heard about the vagus nerve?

Want to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Your Health? Try This New Approach Using Self-Massage to Reducing Inflammation: It All Starts with The Vagus Nerve!

You can purchase the mp4 and access the video walking you through this guided self-massage exercise here!

Mindfulness Resources for Self-Healing:
Whole-Cure_purple-The-Book  Mindfulness Resources in Crisis & Calm {Self-Healing Package} A package of professional mindfulness resources for self-healing tools and practices to empower you to disconnect from panic, fear and anxiety and build inner peace.    Breathe: Guided Relaxation & Breathing Exercises to Help You Find Your Whole Cure

Mindfulness Resources for Health Care Practitioners:

#Mindfulness Resources in Crisis & Calm {Done-for-You Materials} A done-for-you package of professional mindfulness resources for #coaching and sharing self-healing tools and practices to empower you to teach others how to disconnect from panic, #fear and #anxiety and build #innerpeace. #healthcoach #coach #psychology #positivepsychology #doneforeyou #mindful #spirtuality #physician #medicine #wellness #health #healthcoaching #coachingtools    Rest, Restore & Rejuvenate to Mindfully Manage Stress

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Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this post and related resources are for informational purposes only. Jennifer Weinberg is not providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment information. The information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Every body is unique so be sure to check with your healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes taking any medication or nutritional supplement or using any treatment for a health issue. Do not use this information provided for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you suspect you have a medical problem please contact your healthcare provider promptly and do not disregard professional medical advice based on anything on this website. This website and related resources are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease and do not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Jennifer Weinberg. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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